четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

dhcp option 150

Meh, I am feeling like crap. It is still Fall Break and I have done nothing fun at all, or did a lot of work for school. I lack motivation, and people just annoy the crap out of me. I should finish this lecture I need to do for Dutch class, but doing a lecture in front of people I donapos;t even know is a torture. Iapos;m scared, seriously *sighs*.

And people just annoy me. Pink�Forum is such a quiet shit these days, people do not post anywhre anymore, you set up a interesting discussion, people just ignore it except for two. The PF�truly does sucks, I am not sure if I would want to write a fanfic and post on the PF�at all. And me and Kristi are not that close anymore, but I do speak more often to her now. Only she never even starts the converstations herself anymore.

Ida is a vague twit, Amanda should seriously reply if she wants to plot or not for Castle Heights, and I have no idea what to tell Liz even if I requested for a plot, but I do not eally have ideas myself. Ashley, well, too bad for that dropped plot because there are always other people which are s much more fun to RP with. No, I get it, we never entirely discussed that plot for Blood and Wine. Nadya, gah, I get that I am apparently a unreliable person when it comes to plotting, but just tell me truth before I have to ask it myself instead of me asking to plot a 1000 times and she always has an answer to not plot. Well, sheapos;ll give me a chance to trust me now. I miss Anna a little and wonder when she will be back, and I want to plot with Nadia and Angel; but are those plots actually going to happen? I want Hollywood Scene Boards to open already, gah. Ashlyn is not a annoyance for once, I am staying out of her online life for now, pshh.

I want to write a story or fanfic, but I have too many ideas, but too many romance plot ideas and I want to figure out a good non-romance plot. Rawr.

There, pretty much a lot of those stuff are out. I wish I could make this entry friends-only, but�Kristi is the only LJ friend and she wouldnapos;t really get it because she has no idea what I am talking about.

Gah. Bah. People are whatever and usueless sometimes.

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