понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

daring public

Mother I kicked off our Saturday in West Virginia with a massage, which was really nice. Full body. And my masseuse I made small talk she was really nice, the massage was extremely relaxing felt amazing.

From then on, my parents got ready for the wedding Brandon I just hung out. We ordered room service for dinner, turned the Pens game on, I played the Sims for way longer than I probably should have. I made Brandon go to the pool with me for a little bit, he had to wait for me while I spent more time in the sauna steam room than weapos;d agreed on. Haha. My dad also felt it necessary to check in on us regularly. I was offended. He had a cold was just being a pussy, but it sounds like they had a good time with all Motherapos;s co-workerapos;s such. I find them to be quite a riot at times myself.

I watched Shia Leboeuf on SNL, too, for the second time, reveled in its hilarity for the second time.

I had trouble sleeping, thanks to my dadapos;s awful snoring. I woke up nearly hourly because of it, often crept off my bed to give him a good shove to shut him up. It sort of worked.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

christian alfonso

Itapos;s been a long time since Iapos;ve started a new blog/journal thing. �A very long time. �Such a long time that Iapos;m not sure if I still have any idea what Iapos;m doing. �No matter. �This isnapos;t going to become a long rant apos;napos; rave about my favorite political/economic/religious topics of the day. �I have other, less impacting places to do that. �Iapos;m going to try my hand at real blogging for once. �Weapos;ll see how it goes. �^_^�

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apacs 30

- Went to lunch with the boss I have a crush on yesterday at Chicago Diner. Gosh sheapos;s cute. Sheapos;ll be out of town for 10 days, Iapos;m sure Iapos;ll be thinking about her nonstop.

- Traffic court date on Monday for the bike accident.

- Was super pissed at several of my lazy employees yesterday. I was ready to smack a ho. Managing people sucks.

- I need a halloween costume.

- Gosh, I love MIA.

- Maribelapos;s birthday bash is tonight. Need to get something to wear. Maybe I need to pop by HM or Hollywood Mirror today? Good thing I have tomorrow off, because Iapos;ll probably get super trashed tonight and want to go for a run tomorrow.

- Went on a 4 mile run today in preparation for a 5K and an 8K that I plan to do soon.

-Iapos;m going to vote today

- Bought a new laptop, but Iapos;m returning it because I just found up Whole Foods employees get a sweet discount with Dell. Much better deal.

- In a year Iapos;ll be in San Francisco?

- Winter is going to kill me this year.

- Make the sweetest blueberry waffles the other day. Now all I want to do is make waffles

- Iapos;ve been watching lots of movies lately. Lots Thanks to netflix and Eliapos;s stash
- 13 Conversations about one thing
- The Graduate
- Gia
- How the West Was Won
- Whatapos;s eating Gilbert Grape
- The Big Sleep
- Lolita
- Donnie Darko
- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
- Taxi Driver
- Gone with the Wind
- Pretty in Pink
- Garden State

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I donapos;t know what Iapos;m doing. I feel like selling all my music gear. Iapos;m not using it. Sometimes I feel like Iapos;ll never use it again. I donapos;t know what Iapos;m doing with it. I havenapos;t done anything minutely successful yet. I was on a recording that was released with a shitty song that another shitty band released. I kinda keep coming back to this thought. Should I leave music to other people? Iapos;m trying to start another band, but its not working. I want to be in a band with other people who have been in bands that actually made moves. Not a band thatapos;s not going to be complete, or a group of people who have yet to do anything on my level yet. At least Iapos;ve played shows and totally gone out on a limb to meet new people once so far. But I donapos;t think I could do that again. At least not without a car. Maybe I should though. Or at least start communicating with people more. Whatever the case, I think that in a couple of years, if nothing turns up, then my equipment is going to be going.

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�I really, really, really hate Apple computers. For the record.

Iapos;m so annoyed. I went to print a photo of La Defense to go with the architectural project since it was requisite, but only one computer that I could see available was occupied- so I had to wait almost an hour for the girl to stop talking to her friend and get off the computer.
Then I got on it, only to find that I couldnapos;t use that computer to print the photo. So a boy behind the desk directed me upstairs to the computer lab.
I went up to the third floor and spent about ten minutes trying to figure out where the hell the lab was, then when I found it I spent another twenty minutes trying to figure out how the fuck to send the photo to the printer. When I finally managed that, I clicked Print and waited...
....and nothing happened.
I watched the printer for a few minutes, blankly, trying not to scream in the utter silence of the computer lab among all the other studious little yups (most of whom were on myspace) until it occurred to me that maybe I had to go and log in to the printerapos;s computer, the way Iapos;d had to downstairs- so I went to the computer. Sure enough, there was one of those card ID thingies.
But it refused to scan my card about ten times, and when it finally did log me in the printer refused to recognize the password I had set for the print job (you have to pay for every single page you print, and you have to set a password for each individual print job.�donapos;t ask me why the fuck itapos;s like that, some enterprising fuck of a smartass probably did it to scam more money off of everyone.) , so I finally threw my hands up and paced for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do- fuck it, leave and lose points on my project? stay and fight with the printer? wonder where the hell the student worker that should have been at the desk had disappeared to?

I finally just sent another print job to the computer with a simple password. This time everything worked and I logged off and got the fuck out of there.
I came back to find my laptop being sluggish, edited a poem on DA only to have to repeat the edit four times because DeviantARTapos;s server is shit, and now Iapos;m sitting here half awake and no longer feeling so confident about my project.


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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

dhcp option 150

Meh, I am feeling like crap. It is still Fall Break and I have done nothing fun at all, or did a lot of work for school. I lack motivation, and people just annoy the crap out of me. I should finish this lecture I need to do for Dutch class, but doing a lecture in front of people I donapos;t even know is a torture. Iapos;m scared, seriously *sighs*.

And people just annoy me. Pink�Forum is such a quiet shit these days, people do not post anywhre anymore, you set up a interesting discussion, people just ignore it except for two. The PF�truly does sucks, I am not sure if I would want to write a fanfic and post on the PF�at all. And me and Kristi are not that close anymore, but I do speak more often to her now. Only she never even starts the converstations herself anymore.

Ida is a vague twit, Amanda should seriously reply if she wants to plot or not for Castle Heights, and I have no idea what to tell Liz even if I requested for a plot, but I do not eally have ideas myself. Ashley, well, too bad for that dropped plot because there are always other people which are s much more fun to RP with. No, I get it, we never entirely discussed that plot for Blood and Wine. Nadya, gah, I get that I am apparently a unreliable person when it comes to plotting, but just tell me truth before I have to ask it myself instead of me asking to plot a 1000 times and she always has an answer to not plot. Well, sheapos;ll give me a chance to trust me now. I miss Anna a little and wonder when she will be back, and I want to plot with Nadia and Angel; but are those plots actually going to happen? I want Hollywood Scene Boards to open already, gah. Ashlyn is not a annoyance for once, I am staying out of her online life for now, pshh.

I want to write a story or fanfic, but I have too many ideas, but too many romance plot ideas and I want to figure out a good non-romance plot. Rawr.

There, pretty much a lot of those stuff are out. I wish I could make this entry friends-only, but�Kristi is the only LJ friend and she wouldnapos;t really get it because she has no idea what I am talking about.

Gah. Bah. People are whatever and usueless sometimes.

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So, we got back our results today and weapos;re all rushing our WRs. WOW. I tell you, JC students are a bunch of crazies.

In any case...


Chee Hao, Zi Mu, you all cheat my feelings. RAHH.

Anayway, hereapos;s a video for you guys, provided you all even visit the class blog anymore. XD Oh, for those who havenapos;t watched The Dark Knight, this is a parody of it. In particular, itapos;s a parody of batmanapos;s ridiculous voice. He really do sounds that way. Both the Joker and Batman in the video are played by the same person. They arenapos;t the real actors, just someone making fun of them. So, go watch and relax a while. Just make sure you arenapos;t drinking or eating anything while watching it. I donapos;t want to be responsible for choking someone to death. O_0

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Olieconcern Shell moet het land in Nigeria waarop de olieterminal Bonny Island is gebouwd, teruggeven aan de lokale bevolking. Dat heeft een Nigeriaanse rechter afgelopen zomer bepaald. Shell is tegen de uitspraak in beroep gegaan.
Een Shell-woordvoerder bevestigde vandaag berichtgeving hierover in Nigeriaanse media. De uitspraak van de rechter betrof de joint venture SPDC, waarin olieconcern Shell een belang heeft van 30 procent. Twee families van Bonny Island en een raad van stamhoofden hadden de zaak aangespannen, aldus de woordvoerder.

SPDC heeft een productiecapaciteit van dagelijks ongeveer een miljoen vaten olie. Shell kwam na aanvallen van Nigeriaanse rebellen afgelopen voorjaar met een zogeheten 'force majeure'-verklaring voor de exportterminal, zodat het concern gedekt is als het onverhoopt niet zou kunnen leveren. Bonny Island is een belangrijke terminal voor Shell in Nigeria. Het concern is nog steeds bezig met herstelwerkzaamheden.

Shell is al zestig jaar actief in Nigeria, waar het bedrijf zo'n 10 procent van zijn wereldwijde productie vandaan haalt. Sinds halverwege de jaren negentig kampt het concern met veiligheidsproblemen, omdat de lokale bevolking een groter deel van de olie-inkomsten van het land opeist.

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

alexi laiho pics

So. Ich habe gerade das ganze Haus f�r mich. Wer wei� wie lange.

Und die drei Menschen, die mir am wichtigsten sind, sind nicht da. Nat�rlich sind sie das nicht. Einer davon ist weit weg, ganz in der N�he von Wahnsinn und Drogen. Und die anderen zwei... Die haben besseres zu tun - als mir die Langeweile zu vertreiben. Vorzugsweise haben sie miteinander besseres zu tun. Ich bin b�se und geh�ssig und ich wei� das auch. Aber ich glaube, wenn ich noch ein kleines bisschen... Noch ein bisschen l�nger versuche, lieb zu sein, drehe ich durch.
Und wo kann man besser geh�ssig sein als in LJ, in einem Eintrag, den nur man selbst sehen kann? Das ist doch wunderbar. Niemand wird das je erfahren und sollte ich noch einmal im Begriff zu sein, zu sagen, dass ich unschuldig bin oder liebenswert oder tolerant oder gutm�tig, dann muss ich nur diesen Eintrag lesen um mich von dem Gegenteil zu �berzeugen.
Ich bin alles andere als liebenswert, tolerant und gutm�tig. Ich bin neidisch, eifers�chtig, weinerlich, sarkastisch, egoistisch und b�se und noch viel mehr. Und am liebsten bin ich das alles ohne Konsequenzen. - Wer ist das nicht? Wir sind alle nur wegen der Konsequenzen so, wie wir sind.
Und ich glaube, wenn ich noch einmal das macht mir nichts sagen muss oder entschuldigung oder vielen dank oder ich hab dich auch lieb oder es tut mir leid oder ich hab das nicht so gemeint oder kein problem, ich bin immer f�r dich da - dann platze ich. Nicht, dass ich es nicht so meinen w�rde, aber es reicht mir. Es ist gut jetzt, okay? Ich meine das alles ja nicht so, aber verpi� dich Das ist, was ich sagen will. Es reicht jetzt mit lieben Floskeln.

Ich denke, es ist Zeit, auszutesten, wie viel diese Kopfh�rer wirklich aushalten.

Letapos;s ROCK

PS: You are a fair partner who also thinks of others. Ha-ha-ha. Vielleicht haben Gl�ckskekse ja doch nicht immer so ganz recht mit dem, was sie sagen.

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